Advanced EyeGlasses offers home try-on, meaning, customers can go online and choose up to four of their favorite frames. We’ll ship them with temporary non Rx lenses to their homes and the customer only pays for shipping. No fees will be applied for standard frames and a small fee will be applied for luxury frames. Customers must take a selfie in their frame and ship them back with our return label. We’ll use patented photo measurement technology to make their lenses just right. Customer will have our professional advice on frame fit and lenses via email, phone, or video chat. When we receive the frames from our customers, we will contact them via email and send a final order price. The fee charged for the home try-on will be applied to the actual final order as discount, after the frames are received. The home try-on fee is not refundable if the customer decides not to continue with the order. If for any reason the customer doesn’t like any of the frames that they chose for home try-on, they can return them, no photo needed. Then they can choose another frame but the home try-on process will start over, meaning another home try-on fee will be charged.
There is a period time for home try-on of 30 days. After those 30 days, if we have not received those frames, we may charge your credit card for the full amount of each pair of frames. If the frames that are returned are damaged, we may charge your credit card for the full amount of each pair of frames that are damaged.
Our try-on method process of making the customer’s lenses takes 3 weeks for the complete glasses order to be ready.
If for our customer doesn’t want wait for three weeks, we can skip the try-on process only if we already have all the measurements needed for making the lenses, which either the customer provides these measurements or if we ones we already have from previous orders. If we have the type of lenses in stock that our customer needs in our office, we can offer an express order for an extra fee.
If you choose to continue with our try-on method, please complete the process through our home try-on platform.